

Click on pictures for more information

Available Training/ Entrenamiento disponible

  1. Being Visible and Active in the Community/ Visibles y Activos en la Communidad

  2. Intro to Disaster Preparedness/ Preparacion para Desastres

  3. Donations Operations/ Operaciones de Donaciones

  4. Volunteer Management/ El Manejo de Voluntarios

  5. Disaster Spiritual Care/ Proveedor de Cuidado Espiritual en Desastres

  6. CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)/ (Equipo Comunitario de Respuesta para Casos de Emergencia)

Adventist Learning Community

Explore courses & resources relevant to you

  • Community Services & Urban Ministry Certification

  • Disaster Response

  • Understanding and Implementing Fundraising: Essential Principles and Practical Applications

FEMA Training


FEMA IS-100.c -Introduction to the Incident Command System 

FEMA IS-230.e -Fundamentals of Emergency Management

FEMA IS-700.b -An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

FEMA IS-800.d -National Response Framework, An Introduction

  • Please note that these courses change and sometimes the website location is moved.  Please inform us if you have problems.



Spanish version of What ACS can do for you

What can ACS do for you

Truck Tour ACS Spanish

Que es ser un voluntario con ACS.
What its like to volunteer for ACS.

ACS Truck Tour